

Friday, July 23, 2010

Blissfully Sleepy

Today has been even longer--I still haven't caught up on my sleep, but I am pleasantly tired. How can I not be with such a sweet, happy boy!

I REALLY wish I had access to the blog myself. I would love to add even more pics and see the comments, but I can't see anything! Not even FB. Oh well. Emma has been doing a great job as my secretary!

Jace LOVES his toys. And his silly bands as you can see. Especially the light up ones. He has more energy than me-I have met my match. He is very silly and LOVES the attention he is getting from Alex. We are having a blast. He is scared at sleep times. He gets very quiet and tearful. Other than that, he is pretty fun and extremely bright!! His smile lights a room and the sweet coo that comes out of him melts my heart. I can't begin to tell you how happy I am.

I bought him some shoes today. His smelled SO BAD!!! The room literally smelled stinky! I can't bring myself to throw them out so they are packed in a bag AND A BOX...haha...but the new ones light up and I didn't know it when I bought them. Let's just say they are a hit!

He is potty trained. I don't know why they told me he wasn't. He goes to the bathroom alone but I help him anyway. In public he is used to being in a diaper so he pee's in it. But at the hotel-never. We'll work on that at home.

He mimics all of our signs. He doesn't know what they all mean, but some he does! And he remembers. He is so independent. I am amazed.

well, almost time to meet for dinner.

Keep the prayers flowing! We feel them!!

Shannon, Alex and Jace


Kim said...

love that you are updating so often. I am getting my China "Fix" through you! I remember night time was hard for Jonathan too. fine all day and then sad and teary at night. we will keep praying!!! enjoy your time in china- it will fly by.

lauren said...

Jace's pictures are making me smile! What a cutie pie!

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