

Monday, August 24, 2009

Selling, selling, selling...

So, with the help of my mom, sister, and dear friends...Ron and me may decide to have a bull roast or bake sales, or something like it to try to raise some money for our boy.  Poor Ron, I am selling everything I can on Craigslist to put some money aside...he said to me today "Uh, I am gonna come home one day and everything will be gone?"  lol....You know what I told him?   "Honey, don't worry--it's less to move one day!"

 This is so different for me because I usually GIVE everything away just to get rid of it.  Material things have very little value to me.  A few keepsakes here and there are special but that's it.  As a matter of fact, I am learning through this whole process that I have done nothing but WASTE money ALL my life.  I have always had a 'gotta have it now' mentality.  Unfortunately,  Ron has (almost) never told me 'no', and provided whatever I wanted regardless of the cost.  Shame on me!  I am 42 years old and just realizing this!  I don't even WANT to think about what lessons that has shown my kids.  I am pretty disgusted as I walk around my house and look at all of the wasted money!  I could have had 10 adopted kids (ok, I really wouldn't want 10, but you get my point) by now!

I have started buying some books for myself AND for Chen Chen (that's his given name but only from the institution-we'll change it--maybe Vincenzo--that has 'chen' in the middle) on Half.com so that we can have a little 'library' of sign books for when he comes home.  The books for me are more about what to expect as an adoptive parent.  His are much more fun and colorful (I recommend that website highly!  You can get used books soooo cheap!!! ) .  Can you imagine what it will be like on a flight home from China with a deaf child? LOL...I am crazy, I know...but it's God that gave me this heart for him, so I know He will help me.

By the way, I found that the books I ORDERED for him are ALSO on the Deaf Society recommended list. Funny, huh?  I had no idea!

Ok, enough for tonight....Please pray for us!!  And thank you!!!!

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