

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chicken Pox....or Something Else?

You tell me...

Can't get doctors to agree...one says folliculitis and the other says chicken pox.  All I really know is that Jace is one itchy little boy.  He is scratching all day, poor thing.  It started out on his back by the top of his pull-up.  I really thought it was bug bites; flea, bed bugs--who knows.  Then it traveled up the back to his chest.  From there to his neck and hair line.  He even had a blister on his tongue.  Now he is covered pretty much all over but it still seems mild to me-there aren't any other 'blisters' but they do scab over.  I am keeping him home just in case it is chicken pox and I am treating it likewise.

We are proceeding with the cochlear implant planning, but not sure where just yet because of insurance reasons.  I will keep you posted on the process.  We meet again with Hopkins for hearing aid testing (waste of time yet required by law), audio skills and speech next Tuesday.  Looking forward to it!!


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