Sweet Boy…
I wonder as you wake, Sweet Boy;
How your day will go.
If your big, round eyes will see the sun
feeling warmth from head to toe.
Will you lay and wait for someone to come
To scoop you up with gentleness;
From the crib in which you’ve slept that night
Into arms filled with tenderness.
Will she hold your gaze and smile at you?
Will she calm all of your fears?
Will she kiss your face and tickle you?
Will she wipe away your tears?
One day, my son, the day will come
When you will be here with me.
Rocking, singing, and signing to you,
Where the Lord intends you to be.
The silent world in which you’ve lived
We will soon replace;
With smiles, with laughter and with love
In a home we’ll all embrace.
Home is where we will wait for you
Until the Lord brings us to together.
The place where you will have a voice
And a family you will treasure.
So sleep well tonight, my little man,
Soon you’ll be here in my arms;
I pray the Lord watches over you
And keeps you far from harm.
Oh Lord, please hurry and bring him to me
For every day he’s away;
My hearts beats in anticipation,
To love him to teach him Your ways;
But for now, Sweet Boy, I'll blow you a kiss
That the wind will carry to you;
Bringing peace, comfort and a mothers’ love
From your home forever and true!