

Thursday, September 16, 2010

14, 5, and 3

From the time I started counting, that is.

Nap time is about 1 pm. Usually, as I am heading to the bedroom with Jace on my hip, the fight begins. I lay him down next to me, side by side and face-to-face, and pretend to sleep, like a dog playing dead. Never does the boy want to sleep, so the countdown begins.

I counted 14 kisses that he gave me. He thinks if he kisses me, I'll wake up. At first, I'll kiss him back, with eyes still closed. Then, he keeps at it. When I don't return the pucker, he wriggles my lips into position and tries it again. Now...I don't know about you, but it is extremely hard not to laugh as I sneakingly peer out of one eye and see two big, black eyes inches from my face waiting for me to open mine. Ha! So cute!

Then comes a few (5 to be exact) blows to the abdomen from restless legs and knees, followed by 3 swift bangs in the nose from toddler fists or elbows trying to find a comfortable spot. Still, I lay there waiting for him to fall into sleep. Minutes later....AH...there is it...two legs strewn over my hips, a fist clenched-yet rested- under my chin, and steady warm breath about my cheek.

When I finally open my eyes, this is what I see. I see a beautiful pair of eyes adorned with long, black lashes slightly curled at the ends, giving an illusion of a smile, even in slumber. I see a perfect button nose and full lips drawn like a bow. Smooth tanned cheeks that beckons a kiss from a mom in love.

I still can't believe he is finally home. I dreamed of this moment for a year. I wondered how he slept, what he looked like. And here he is. Lying next to me, heartbeat to heartbeat. And he is mine. How did I get so lucky, Lord? Why me? Why did you save him for me? Maybe someday I'll know, but today I can only whisper, 'Thank you, Lord.'

1 comment:

Steve, Karen and the V. Crew said...

love, Love, LOVE this post! I miss that little guy. I can still hear his amazing and contagious laugh. I am so glad he is still kissing you like crazy while you fake sleep. =) The Lord is GOOD.

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