

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Prayers, Prayers, and More Prayers...

Not much news as far as our adoption goes. Mei did email me that I left out 'some very important statements' on our personal statement. This is a letter in our dossier that gives China our story and our intent to adopt. Now... I am almost positive I had this letter approved before I sent the dossier, but somehow something went wrong. Anyway, she tells me that I can take care of it later, praise God! She was just waiting for the check from the NC office so that she can have it delivered to China. I prayed over all those documents so I am comforted knowing God took care of that! Whew!

I also received an email from a special needs education coordinator here in Shrewsbury. I was very happy to get that. She sounds happy and excited to help me plan for Jace's arrival! She wants to meet with me at our local elementary school about the end of February or beginning of March! She wants to help me understand the preschool program and set up his education plans. This makes me feel like he is really coming! It sounds so silly, but all I have is a snapshot of him from who knows how long ago, and a 30 second video I watch every now and then. It's easy to fall in love with him, but so hard to imagine him actually being here! The kids are always asking me 'WHEN, WHEN ,WHEN'! I wish I knew. Maybe by mid-summer?

Thanks for all your prayers! We still have a long road ahead of us, and with your support it helps make this journey a little easier. I pray that God will work out the financial details--that in itself is a miracle and our testimony! I know I've said this before but it is awesome to watch who He uses to bring Jace home! I am continually amazed by His power and faithfulness.

I am also praying for our travel details...I pray that SOMEHOW we could ALL go to China as a FAMILY! If we do this--if Ron goes--Jace automatically becomes one of us as soon as we land on US soil!!! Can you imagine the bonding we could have while in China? The experience would be priceless. Jace knowing his Daddy AND siblings instantly? His family seeing how he lived? His story? His little life until the moment he is embraced? Lord please, if it is Your will, Your plan, PLEASE make it happen...

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