

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Be Still, Be still, be still...

Well, tomorrow is open house for us from 1-3 pm...I HOPE we get a buyer.  We scrubbed, painted, polished, and organized...Surely SOMEONE will like our house.  But it's just like me to be anxious and impatient.  I would LOVE to be that wife and mother that is always calm and of a quiet nature.  My life verse is Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God".  I am really trying to be still, but it is so hard when we want to bring home this little boy now!  But this boy and our house are out of my control. If we do get a buyer I can have enough money to start the adoption process.  I try not to think about the 'lump' sum. I need quite a bit to actually 'claim' him.  I just want to concentrate on the beginnings.   Thankfully, there are hearts out there dripping with love and encouragement.  Those hearts are trying to help us bring Chen Chen home.  Perfect strangers wanting to help.  I never realized there was that much hope in this world anymore.  That is encouraging! Not only am I encouraged by financial support, I love to hear others' stories.  I love to hear advice from people in similar situations!  It makes me feel like we're not alone in this.  And believe me, I love prayer and feedback.  So if you feel inclined to send a comment or a prayer--please do!!

We were brainstorming on fundraiser ideas.  Ron was thinking of a raffle for the Steelers tickets this year.  My mom and sister mentioned and multi-family yard sale/bake sale.  My boss said I should sell candy bars at work.  Any other ideas out there?  I'd love to hear your ideas!  I hate to feel like I am 'begging' for money.  But then I try to remember it's  NOT for me.  It's for a little boy who is probably just waking up as I am ready to go to bed.  Waking up without a family.  Waking up hoping his diaper will be changed soon.  That he will be fed soon-even held.  See?  This is what my mind does to me....Be still, be still, be still!!!


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